
I was feeling very stuck as an actor before working with Selena. One of the biggest things she has helped me with is finding my essence and being SPECIFIC. This has influenced my work in so many wonderful ways, and I understand myself as an artist like I never have before. It has been very empowering both as an actor and as a person. Pinpointing where I fit in the industry has helped me target agents and has given me more confidence in what I can bring to a role and the filmmaking industry in general.

Selena is the first coach I have worked with who has truly helped me understand myself and my strengths and how to bring those things into every audition. I feel better connected to the material and I’m no longer “in my head” during scene work. I can feel a definite shift in how things are flowing for me as an actor and it has brought me much more success in terms of bookings, workshops, feedback, etc. In short, she has helped me believe that my success is possible and she has given me the tools to make it so. I will always be grateful.

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